Labels:text | screenshot | menu OCR: Tue Sep 19 11:16:27 2000 Keep track of your Picture of Chant SICH1 -100-16.91 Robert's M(evan) (PPP Down (TkNews) (umass) (cdata) RolePlayer RolePlaya (Netscape The GIMP Role Playing Role Playin role playing world: Edit View Options characters, spells, Ele Edit View Options Help MEof HIcasure TE dit Character monsters, treasures, - TOEdit Trick Or Wrap tricks, traps, etc. Strength: 17 Dexterity: 14 Also included -- Donna's Body Intelligence 8 Constitution: 18 JEdit Dressing Wisdom: 5 Charisma: 17 Shop: a collection of graphical Character Name: Clarisa Player Name: Denna "body parts," which can be combined Character Race: Human to create a "self portrait" of a player's Character Alignment: Good Character Sex: character. TIFF, GIF, and JPEG Character Age: 20 format files -- compatible with a ...